Fill out this form to share what you offer and what you're looking for.
Your info will be added to our group directory so others can connect with you for ongoing trades.
Please enter your first and last name. This will appear on The Trading Post Directory so others know who they’re reaching out to.
How would you like people to contact you? You can share your email, phone number, or just say something like "Message me on Facebook."
Where are you located in or around Fort Wayne? (North, South, East, West, nearby town, etc.) This helps people find trading partners close to them.
What goods, services, or skills are you offering for trade? Be as specific as possible — like “fresh eggs,” “home-baked sourdough,” “sewing and alterations,” or “handyman services.”
What kinds of things are you hoping to trade for? This could be food, supplies, services, or anything else — like “raw milk,” “fresh veggies,” “coffee,” or “carpentry work.”
How often would you like to trade? (Weekly, biweekly, seasonally, or as needed?) This helps set expectations for ongoing, steady trades.
Anything else people should know? (For example: "I prefer to trade in bulk," "Open to different offers," or "Only available on weekends.")